Spa Life Buffer - Alkalinity plus /Alka Rise 


Spa Life Buffer is used to raise the total alkalinity in spa water. The total alkalinity reading is a very important part of water balance. The total alkalinity (TA) is a measure of how much of the alkaline substances there are in the water.

Spa Life Buffer Operating Tips:

In the water, we are concerned with bicarbonate alkalinity, which should be between 80 ppm and 120 ppm. When the total alkalinity (TA) is within this range, it prevents rapid pH changes and “stabilizes” the pH level. If the TA is too low, Marbelite and plaster walls will become etched, metals corrode, the pool’s walls and floor can stain, the water can turn green, eyes burn and we can have pH bounce (pH rapidly going up and down, seemingly at random). If the TA is too high, the pH is difficult to adjust, the water becomes cloudy, the pool constantly needs acid (according to your test kit) and the chlorine loses its efficiency as a disinfectant.